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Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Short History of Hyssop Ministries

Hyssop Ministries started in 1988 in Kalimpong town. It was then known as Hyssop Singing Ministry. It was the vision of Mathias Subba who used to be invovled in seculer music, composing and singing. After having completely down in a commerical concert, Mathias decided to dedicate his talent to God. He prayed to Jesus that He would give him a chance to serve Him through music. Mathias shared his vision to start a singing team with his friends who agreed to have a music team. After having prayed much, a meeting was called. With the blessing of Rev. M.H. Subba, Rev. Dr. E.T. Lucksom and Rev. Dr. B.D. Rai , Hyssop Singing Ministry was born on 9th November 1988. The name Hyssop was given by Rev. M.H. Subba. The founding members were Mathias Subba, Late. Michael Chulo Chaa, Noel Peter Subba, Ajoy Dhamala and Sinora Subba.
The three main objectives of Hyssop were"
1. Gospel through music
2. To encourage young people to use their talents for God
3. Try to bring unity among churches
The first gospel program of Hyssop was held in St. Soldier's School in Melli Sikkim with help of Prebyterian Free Church Melli, Sikkim. During that time, Hyssop had no proper instruments. Late Chulo sang 11 songs, a short gospel was presented by Mathias Subba. The available sound system was 35 watts amplifier and two small sound boxes.
After that many gospel programs were done in different places of Sikkim like Sombarie, Daramden, Namchi, Gangtok, Soreng, Buriakhop, Tharpu, Turuk, Sadam, Martam, Bigmat, Bermoik, Tadong etc.
The gospel concerts were done in different places of Kalimpong, Siliguri, Jaigoan, Shilong, Kolkata, Delhi and Hongkong.
Slowly Hyssop Singing Ministries Started growing by God's grace. By God's grace and providence, following things are developed now:
1. Hyssop Audio Visual Studio
2. CD and DVD production
3. Naya Shristi Local Cable TV Minsitries in Kalimpong, Gangtok, Darjeeling and Kerseong
4. Friends (Fellowship for youth every saturday from 2:30pm to 4 pm
5. Revival Meeting once in a month in Town Hall, Kalimpong
6. Organising seminars, retreat, outreach programs, social activities and involving in conventions
7. Preaching and teaching ministries

Due to the expansion of mentioned ministries, now Hyssop Singing Ministry is being known as Hyssop Ministries.
By God's faithfulness, Hyssop Ministries has blessedfully completed its 20 years of ministry in Himalayan region. On 8th and 9th November 2008, Hyssop celebrated 20 years of God's faithfulness in Town Hall, Kalimpong.
All glory and honour belong to the Almighty Triune God.
YOU CAN CONTACT US इन : hyssopministries@gmail.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi,,,can we have the PIT STOP PICTURES......